
Dental Inlays & Onlays

Dental inlays and onlays are advanced dental procedures to restore damaged or decayed teeth. With a focus on precision and excellence, the Dallas Dental Implant Center & Cosmetic Dentistry ensures that patients receive top-notch treatment, utilizing the latest advancements in dental technology. Dr. Kwon is a dental expert specializing in advanced dental procedures. He is dedicated to providing exceptional care to his patients.

What Are Dental Inlays And Onlays?

Dental inlays and onlays fix cavities or damaged teeth. Inlays fill areas within the tooth, while onlays cover its surface. When a standard filling falls short but avoiding a full crown is necessary, dental inlays and onlays come into play. They serve as a middle ground, repairing teeth with precision and strength.

These restorations strengthen teeth and blend with your natural smile. Inlays and onlays help maintain tooth structure, ensuring lasting oral health. They are durable and fit precisely, promoting a strong bite. If you’ve got a cavity or damaged tooth, your dentist may suggest an inlay or onlay to keep your smile healthy and intact.

Dental Inlays And Onlays Procedure

From initial examination to the final restoration, Dallas Dental Implant Center offers a seamless journey to enhance your dental treatment experience. Follow along as we break down each stage involved in dental inlays and onlays.

Step 1: Dental Examination

Begin with a thorough dental examination; our professional team of doctors assesses the patient’s tooth’s condition and determines if an inlay or onlay is necessary based on the extent of the damage.

Step 2: Tooth Preparation

The targeted tooth is prepared by removing damaged or decayed areas. This creates a smooth surface, allowing for a secure and snug fit when placing the inlay or onlay.

Step 3: Impression Taking

A precise impression of the prepared tooth is taken. This impression serves as a mold to create a custom-fit inlay or onlay that matches the tooth’s structure seamlessly.

Step 4: Temporary Restoration

While waiting for the permanent restoration, a temporary inlay or onlay is placed to protect the prepared tooth. This temporary solution maintains functionality until the next appointment.

Step 5: Restoration Fabrication

Using the impression, a dental laboratory crafts the permanent inlay or onlay. The material chosen (often porcelain or composite resin) ensures durability and a natural appearance.

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Step 6: Fitting the Restoration

Once ready, the permanent restoration is meticulously fitted into the prepared tooth. Our dentist ensures proper alignment and makes any necessary adjustments for a comfortable and secure fit.

Step 7: Bonding the Restoration

The final step involves bonding the inlay or onlay to the tooth using dental adhesive. This secure attachment completes the procedure, restoring the tooth’s integrity and function.

Experience the precision and excellence of dental inlays and onlays with our best Dallas Dentist. Let us help you achieve a healthier, more radiant smile with our advanced restorative dentistry services!

Transform Your Smile With Dental Inlays & Onlays

Enhance the strength and protection of your teeth while preserving their natural beauty with dental inlays and onlays at Dallas Dental Implant Center & Cosmetic Dentistry. Rediscover confidence with our seamless dental care for restoring your teeth with precision and care. Book an appointment with us at 214.350.8678 to enjoy the transformative benefits of dental inlays and onlays.

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